Wednesday, 8 February 2012

task 3: purpose of research - audience profiling

Audience profiling 

Whats audience profiling?
Audience Profiling finding out the profile of your audience before hand so that you can put across your message to the right people (target audience) in the most effective way to produce the best result for a specific audience. Before making a new product, the producers research there target audience i.e teens, toddlers etc or search for a target audience for the product using questionnaires etc. It might include details like age, sex, educational qualification, work experience, financial background, field of work, interests, mood, orientation, bias, food habits, religious background, phsysique, health condition etc.

Good points:

- detailed research means better quality
- improves relationship between consumer and product
- more chance of improving product

Bad points:

- research can be wrong
- requires lots of research
- is very time consuming

Example of audience profiling -

A good way to figure out the intended demographic of a television show, TV channel, or magazine is to study the ads that accompany it. For example, in the United States the television program The Price is Right most frequently airs from 11 a.m. to Noon. The commercials on it (besides the use of product placement in the show itself) are often for things like arthritis pain relievers and diapers. This indicates that the target demographics are senior citizens and parents with young children, both of whom would be home at that time of day and see that show. Another example would be MTV, for it has many ads with digital audio players indicating that the channel is targeted to young adults and teenagers and/or fans of music.

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