Friday, 23 September 2011

children's drama assignment: My parents are aliens - codes of practice

Children's Drama assignment: My parents are aliens 

A relevant code of practice.

When considering codes of practice, we need to consider what is and isnt suitable for childrens drama's. What audiences think is and isnt appropriate for children and the rights to the actors of the programme.

In childrens dramas such as 'My parents are aliens' it would be completely out of turn and totally innapropriate to include the following; animal cruelty, racism, discrimination, strong violence, weapons, encouraging illegal activity, drugs, alcohol, swearing, insensitive death plots, sex refrences/scene and gambling.

The things listed above would never be included in any type of childrens programme. The reasons for this is that the television companies have to follow regulations set by Ofcom and certain editorial guidelines, for the best interests of children and young people. These rules are set out because audiences do not want children to be subjected to these kinds of situations and are there to protect childrens interests.

In programmes such as 'My parents are aliens' these regulations and guidelines are also set out to protect the child actors who are involved with and make the show.
regulations such as working hours - A child can only work for a certain amount of time a day as it is law that children spend at least 4 hours a day 5 days a week studying so during filming they have to have breaks for tutors. Also if a child is working to long and is in unnessary and outlandish distress that can also be seen as child labour and the production company would be investigated by appropriate arthorities.
The programme needs to take into consideration safety - is there working enviroument safe for the children to work in. That they are not subjected to dangerous situations.
Is it legal - is everything that involves the children legal for example that there is no gambelling involved or encouragement of illegal activty. Also that no 3rd party has access to the childs personal information such as address etc.
and finally is it decent - a child should not be subjected to indecent scenes or situations. In a childrens drama there should be zero indecent plots or storylines.

When hiring child actors the children can only work with consent from a parent of guardian. They also need permissions for locations in which to work in.

Production companies are obligied to follow the 'equal opptunities act' in which anyone qualified enough for the job has the same right to work regardless of race, religon or disabilities.
usually in dramas (especially childrens drama's) include mixed backgrounds of people.

My parents are aliens is a drama that is impartial to matters being fair within the drama reguarding drama entertainment and culture.

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