Wednesday, 10 October 2012

the darkness "I believe in a thing called love" MUSIC VIDEO

This music video is quite odd - its set on a startreck style spaceship (in space, shockingly) and basically the band running around the ship being weird and playing the end resulting in a giant squid attacking the ship and them destroying it (by my perception) using  the power of music...haha!

so the music video is basically startreck gone wrong but is a enjoyable and unique music video and i like it because of the fact that its so different.

the song itself though is very popular and is used in a lot of films - i think it reached great chart success back when it was released (i think that was back in 2003 if i can remember)

I also like that the video is quite different to the ones released from the same time - in my opinion i think that the band decided this style to stand out from the crowd and be outlandish compare to the other music videos.

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