Tuesday, 2 October 2012

MUSIC VID LADY GAGA 3 peoples opinion

Lady Gaga – paparazzi
The peoples opinions.

 Paparazzi" is the fourth single from Lady GaGa’s debut album The Fame. Despite the pheonomenal comercial success of her three earlier singles, this is easily the top artistic achievement yet. Bathed in warm chords that communicate a swirl of emotion, the song is a tribute of sorts to the symbiotic but ultimately fake and "plastic" relationship between stars and their trailing paparazzi. The accompanying music video takes the song to another level entirely.

The paparazzi who trail stars looking for a lucrative photo opportunity are easy targets for scorn as seen in Britney Spears scathing ‘Piece of me’ However, here Lady GaGa points out there is a sort of symbiotic relationship between a star and those who, for better or worse, are there to document and, in a sense, create the stardom. Musically, "Paparazzi" relies on slightly langourous synth textures and dense percussion to convey the swirl of emotions that accompany the interaction between celebrity and photographer. Sexual desire, dread, resigned acknowledgment, and an insistence that fun is still possible all swirl together in an effective stew of emotion. Lady GaGa's voice floats over the top enticing the listener into the complex world of stardom.

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