Kiddulthood, the supposedly fictional film based around modern London society and its youths.
The film is a typical portrait of what everyday life is like for most underprivileged children, teenagers and adults in and around modern day British society - especially in this case London. In my opinion Kiddulthood somewhat glamorizes the illegal acts in what the characters do in the film.
For instance gangs in the are portrayed as 'cool' and strong people which may influence people to do what they are doing - especially young audiences may see them as role models. Therefore, technically this film contributes to more crimes and is slowly destroying Britain and its culture...
On the other hand, each actor portrays there character profoundly well and it does show the consequences of the individual characters actions, so it may also relate to the audience in a positive way, for instance, if someone is thinking about committing a crime they may think about the film - relatable!
In conclusion, I think the film itself and the plot is very well researched, directed and portrayed. The story is very relatable and enticing for a variety of audiences.
star rating: ****
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