Monday, 2 July 2012


Jobsite CV for shannon griffiths 28-Jul-2011 14:47 
Employment Market: Retail
Employment Type:
Notice Period:
Preferred Role:
Current Skill Set:
Preferred Location(s):
Position Sought:
Current Work Permits:
Tel (Home):
Tel (Work):
Tel (Mobile):
Email Address:
Date of Birth:
Graduation Year:
Driving Licence:

Shannon Griffiths 

Personal Details 

Address: 30 the crossway 
PO16 8PB 

Home telephone: 02392 380 883 
Mobile telephone: 07814577498 


Personal Profile 

Qualities: - Good communication skills 
- Ambitious 
- Confident 
- Friendly 
- Positive 
- Willing to try new things 
Skills: - Effective participation 
- Communicating 
- Self management 
- Reflective learning 


September 2009 - Helped raise money for the alzheimers society. 

Education History 

School Town Duration 
Portchester Community school Fareham, portchester Sept 2006 - June 11 


Subject Type Grade (predicted) 

English GCSE C 
Maths GCSE C 
Science GCSE B 
Citizenship GCSE B 
Graphic Design GCSE B 
Physical Education bTEC merit 
Art and Design GCSE D 
Media and Film GCSE B 

Work Experience (two weeks) March 2010 

Shadowing teachers/ learning support 
New bridge primary school 

Help organise children - Helped with work with P.E, Maths and Literacy. 


- Meeting new people 
- Horse riding 
- Bike riding 
- Running 
- Helping people 
- Socailising 
- Quad biking 
- Jet skiing 
- Swimming 
- Travelling 
- Painting 
- Reading 

Refrences available on request. 





kerrang leaflet

kerrang target audience

Kerrang!'s popularity rose again with
 the hiring of editor Paul Rees circa 
2000 when the nu metal genre, featuring
 bands like Limp Bizkit and Slipknot
 were becoming more popular.[5] Rees
 went on to edit Q magazine and Ashley
 Bird took over as editor from 2003 to
 2005. However the magazine's sales
 went quickly into decline in 2003 and
 Paul Brannigan took over as editor.

kerrang leaflet

kerrang social networking and
 reaching its market

many of kerrangs target audience
 is of the social networking era
 so to keep up to date and within
 reach of its audience kerrang has
 its own twitter and facebook page
 to fans can keep up to date and
 follow literally everything thats 
going on the world of kerrang 

it add a more interactive element
 between the magazine and
 the people who read and
 enjoy it.



Brand Description
Kerrang is the world's biggest selling
 weekly music magazine and the
 original multi-platform youth brand
 for all rock genres. Kerrang delivers
 the hottest news, reviews, gig guides,
 exclusive features, posters, videos and
 more every week. In print, on TV, radio
 and online, Kerrang lives life loud for
 its army of dedicated, music loving fans
In my opinion its biggest audience / fan
 base is young adults 14 - 24 year olds
 (ish). from what iv seen its usually 
pretentious youngsters that think that
 there cool and 'indie' (individual, how ironic)
 and read it basically for the sheer fact that 
they know other people will know there reading
 it - from the people that i know who read
 the magazine they don't seem to have found 
themselves or developed there OWN personality! 
In my eyes music is just a beat, some noise 
and words - i could probably be the next Paul
 McCartney if i tried!

kerrang - leaflet

Kerrang other markets

kerrang also has its own dating website 

this to me sounds like a good idea as it would
 be the same group of people on there
 interested in the same kind of things - music
 obviously but still quite a good idea

Kerrang also has its own radio station
 - again for the target audience people
 know what they expect from kerrang
 from the rock and roll genres etc

they also have set up there own
 charity events this year its 'cash
 for kids' which includes a charity
 beer festival to raise money for kids
 (how appropriate) and you can donate 
online and kerrang is again supporting 
the eden projects 'big lunch' for cash for 
kids campaign

people can also buy tickets to many
 different concerts and festivals all over 
the uk through kerrang 

you can also shop for kerrang
 merchandise and other music related 
merchandise through