Thursday, 26 January 2012

Shannon and Kierans thriller idea .

Title "A double reflection"

- Female Identical Twins (Jackie and Amelie) jackie is the 'evil' twin hidden from her sister and society in her parents loft and Amelie is the perfect girl with a perfect life.

- Amelia: 'miss perfect' - typical girly girl. Doing well in life unaware she has an evil identical twin in the loft

- Jackie: is insane and is has been hidden in the loft all her life. she escapes and pretends to be her twin and alternately ruin her life. she so made that she even eats live animals.

 Jackie over time has become worse and worse and is deranged by the idea of her sister living the perfect life and her being locked away.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Editing evaluation

Children's Drama

In my children's drama project, we made our own short 5 minute children's drama.
As a group we shot 3 different outcomes of our film each very different and unique with a variety of shots, angles and length.
We decided to edit all of the them but unfortunately we didn't use all of the different films, the final film, which we did decide to use, was edited very carefully, with great concentration and determination.
In all there were four of us in the group and we took it in turns to edit different  part, we all participated in making sure it was all going well, and was up to the standard we all wanted it to be. 
By the end of our editing for our short children's drama it turned out not to be the way we visioned it to be, because in my opinion it wasn't well prepared or organised and that was down to our own individual failings - which made me and others in the group feel disappointed with our work.

What I did when editing:

Like all of our roles when editing, I made sure that it all flowed together nicely for example, to check there were no; jump cuts, continuity errors, uneven lighting etc. When ever myself or other members of the group made any changes to the film we made sure to watch back everything to make sure it was fine. While in the editing process I put in special effects into the title sequence using adobe premier pro, I adjusted uneven lighting in some shots, I cropped scenes, edited sound - such as overlaying sound and adding non-diagetic sound. Like all of the group I had no set roles for editing as we took it in turns and gave feedback for other editing processes such as credit roles at the end of the film, music and title sequence which was completed by other members of the group but all took part in.

Our final outcome was completed, in total in length it was just under 5 minuets long - the film itself did not at all live up to our visions or expectations. In an editing point of view, i'd say in my own opinion it was rather successful seeing as it was our first project - we used the available software and most of its features to complete our final edited outcome.
we used websites for our sound effects and music. we also used photoshop to adjust some discoloured lighting for several scenes.

How I edited the film:

- set up a new project

-import footage into the 'E drive' and save / organise them.
-organise footage into bins
- arranging footage into a timeline - so we can arrange the shots and scenes in the order and ratio in which we want 
- trimming clips to cut any unnecessary shots, scenes or parts of those for different reasons such as something being wrong, being in the wrong lighting etc.
- we used premier pro and photoshop and the special effects on the software - we also used
  a website for our sound/music 

Editing evaluation


-what you did :
    your decisions 
    final outcome 

- set up a new project
-import footage
-organise footage into bins
- arranging footage into a timeline
- trimming clips
- tools and effects used 

(two A4 pages)
(can you use screenshots)

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

TASK 1: Research - apply a range of research methods and present results [3.2,3.3]

TASK 1: Research - Apply a range of research methods and present results [3.2, 3.3]

Relevant code of practice e.g. channel guidelines and scheduling 

With Thrillers, they are aimed at older children i.e 14 plus so when showing it needs to be an appropriate age rating and be on a suitable time.

When showing on television we need to be aware of the water shed hour and make sure thrillers are shown in this time slot, due to typical elements of thriller genre such as violence, language, sexual content, drug and alcohol abuse, scenes of gambeling and racism. Because of all/some of these factors being in thrillers it makes them inappropriate for younger audiences.

when rating a film you need to take into consideration the elements of the film and who is it suitable for? You need to evaluate the extent of the content and is too explicit for some audiences?

films that contain swearing, drug use, racism, extreme violence and sexual scenes should be rated 15 or 18
films that contain moderate violence, alcohol abuse and gambolling are usually 12 or 12A 

anything under that is U or 12/12A but they wouldn't be Thriller so therefore they are irrelevant. 

TASK 1: Research - Apply a range of research methods and present results [3.2, 3.3]

Report on the characterization used in a thriller of your choice:

Antagonist: Annie Wilkes 
- wears bland colours: brown, cream, grey
- plain hair cut, brown hair
- no make up
- no facial characteristics 
- nice house again plain colours - weird ornaments.
: to me this portrays Annie in a very good way on the outside she looks plain, ordinary but you can't explain her 'normal' characteristics as she has no emotions until she unexpectedly erupts with rage and anger.

Protagonist: Paul Sheldon 
like Annie is quite plain and wears normal clothes but he has a tatty satchel for his books and a nice mustang car which shows he has a personality - he seems to be rather intelligent and have a dry sense of humour.
- he seems quite charming
- smart 
- he is a hero and potential love interest of Annies. 

TASK 1: Research - Apply a range of research methods and present results [3.2, 3.3]

Report on the narrative structures (turning points, twists) in a thriller of your choice -

My chosen Thriller is 1990 film 'Misery'.

Brief summary of plot: Author Paul Sheldon has just completed his book series and we see him going in his car (in suspiciously dangerous looking weather) unaware, that a not so balanced minded women - Annie Wilkes is stalking him and following his every move. while on his journey his car slips of the road, due to the snow, and crashes out of sight. The Annie gets him out of the car and in the next scene we see I'm injured and her nursing him back to health - as she tells him he cannot get to hospital due to the roads and telephones being down. Paul wakes up to the Annie repeatedly saying "I'm your number one fan, I'm your number one fan..." even though she seems a bit creepy at the same time she is very pleasant and polite which is very unverving and makes her more intimidating.

We, as an audience can see that this is not an ordinary situation and looks rather suspicious, that she is his 'number one fan' and just happens to be there when he crashes...

when retired nurse, Annie, reads Pauls final book - she completely turns into a psychopath - as her favourite character is killed in the book - she beats Pauls already injured limbs and psychologically tortures him by making him burn the book, locking him in her house and making him re-write the whole book and bringing the character back to life. Paul tries to play with her mind (trying play along with her unrealistic reality) and trying to escape. 

Meanwhile the local authorities (the sheriff and his wife) are looking for Paul in a serious yet comical way - which is different to see, in such a suspenseful Thriller.

Methods of suspenseful elements used:
- false hope for Protagonist Paul when he sees the telephone but Annie has taken the wire etc out
- use of silence: what's going to happen?
- music
- intercutting shots between Annie and Paul: race against time
- close ups of important element e.g: when Paul over penguin and puts it back the wrong way
- quick cuts between different shots
- variety of shots and angles 
- actions of the Paul in kitchen, picking locks etc
- dramatic irony 
- noises in the shot - shocking element
- everything in the shot; noises, actions etc (miss-en-scen)
- Dialogue 
- performance
- makeup 
- expanding key moments for instance when Annie nearly finds out Paul has been wondering round the house.
- building up obstacles for the characters - Paul needs to get the kitchen but can't due to the wheelchair.
- The director uses a point of view shot from Paul perspective looking at Annie - so that the audience can empathise with Paul and understand his situation.

Elements of Thriller, Horror and Comedy:

Mcguffin used for an 'edge of seat' reaction from the audience; telephone
crosscutting between Paul, Annie and Sheriff - when paul needs to get back to his room and Annie is returning 

Editing: the short shots builds suspense 
Lighting: dark, bland colours - emotionless like Annie? 
camera movement: follows Paul his point of view - so audience can understand.
Back story of police; does that mean no hope for Paul as they presume he is dead.
typical genre of music (classical) to add tension and suspense to the audience 
The spilled soup and Annie going mad tells the audience and Paul about Annie's state of mind 
Annie vocabulary 'dirty birdy' 'mr man' 'cock-a-dodie' tells the audience that she has something horrifically wrong with her - acting like a child in some way!

Untypical to normal Thrillers they have written in some form of comedy: the sheriff and his wife 
bring light to the dark and morbid situation (for the audience) but yet at the same time frustrate the audience because they are so close (like when they look for him in the helicopter) but yet they are so far away - again edge of seat reaction.

TASK 1: Research - Apply a range of research methods and present results [3.2, 3.3]

Definition of the target audience for thrillers

Thrillers and horrors, in my opinion, attract similar audiences and that might confuse people about what the target audience is for thrillers. Thrillers tend to attract a more sophisticated audience than Horrors, as Horrors tend to aim to have a more graphic and shocking element, Thrillers try to be clever and get into the audiences mind - known as 'theatre in mind' - thriller audiences are tested, and through out the film have to try and work things out for themselves.
Thrillers are extremely psychological.

But it does depend on which film you watch - sub genre thrillers may not be as psychological.  

For instance the 'Sixth Sense' is classed as a sub-genre thriller but to me has one of the most powerful and shocking plot twists in recents times. It is everything you should expect from a Thriller; troubled characters (protagonist) , plot twists, suspense, tension.

In my opinion, Thrillers don't have a certain audience for instance age, gender etc...but for obvious reasons young children couldn't watch these sort of films as it would be innappropriate but i'd say males and females both equally enjoy and understand thrillers as one another - I myself am a Thriller fan - also ages I think are around 14 + anyone that age and above I believe thrillers are aimed at as I know older people who have enjoyed thrillers for numerous of years and people my age enjoy them.

Generally, Thrillers are aimed at more intellectual people - who like to be challenged and are capable of understanding a well plotted, written and directed film without being confused and frustrated. 

TASK 1: Research - Apply a range of research methods and present results [3.2, 3.3]

Report on the conventions of the genre (form and content)
codes and conventions:

Form and content have to work together to make them coherent. 
In my opinion form tends to make the audience ask questions about the story and the content tells the story so they work together.

Form tends to use a variety of techniques to bring a certain atmosphrer to the audience, it projects a characters personality to the audience and helps them understand what an individual is all about e.g protagonist, antagonist etc. It also is used to build tention and suspence within scenes. Typically for thriller it tends to be dark colours; blue, grey etc and uses shadows within shots - mysterious? 

Types of techniques used for form:
- Intercuts 
- reverse shots
- layout and structure 
- low key lighting 
- shadows
- close up (for facial expressions and highlighting key points)
- camera and lighting
- technical aspects
- sub genre

Content is basically what tells the audience the story and what characters are like, typcally in Thrillers a troubled protagonist / antagonist and false hero / villain - they have typical roles such as being involved with the government or a international and powerful company. content seems to structure everything that happens e.g the races against times, revealing something etc

What Content uses:
- Troubled characters protagonist and antagonist - false hero/villain 
- narrative 
- storyline
- psychological elements
- twists and turns 
- typical jobs and roles 
- race against time
- concludes in show down / something being revealed

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

task 1: qualitative and quantitative research.

I will create a report explaining the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative research, with relevant media examples.

What is qualitative?
Qualitative is the view or opinion of a matter from the point of an 'expert'. examples are a review in a magazine, diaries and interviews. The information can be trusted to a certain degree but is not 100% reliable. qualitative is the the opposite to quatitative.

- easily accessible 
- get close to peoples actual experiences, meanings and feelings
- gain massive insight into peoples lives and could obtain highly valid information

- can question the authenticity and credability of the response given
- sources of the subject to bias as the content may reflect the strong opinion of the person

What is quantitative?

Quantitative is information that is utterly factual. Quantitative is just basic data such as exam results, statistics, graphs and tallies about different and spesific subjects.

- Provides reliable information in terms of accuracy
- reduces bias
- quick to use

- statistics lack insight into the meaning, feelings, experiences and motivations of the people being studied 
- In constant need of updating 
- can be outdated 
- can be false

Supersize me - A 1 part documentary about an average american man that takes on a nothing but Mcdonalds diet for 30days in an experiment  to see how it affects his health
 Qualitative and Quantitative analysis: 

Quantitavtive -
- 6 weeks after film McDonalds elminated Supersize portions option of its menu
- Texas is one of the fattest states
- Detroit is now the no.1 fattest state 
- The Mcgrill contains more fat than a big Mac and more sugar than cookies (51g fat, 79% of daily intake)
- Man started the Mcdiet at 185 pounds and ended the Mcdiet at 210 pound
- Cholesterol at 2.30 (dangerous level due to the mcdiet)
- Mcdiet caused 'fat liver' (dangerous build up of fat around liver)
- Went from having just 1% body fat to 18% body fat
- Daily intake of 1 pound of sugar totally in 30 pounds of sugar during the Mcdiet
- twice as likely to have heart failure / diesease 

Qualitative - 
- no sex drive
- Mcdiet caused headaches
- mood swings
- interview with McDonalds: Mcdonalds can be enjoyed as a healthy diet
- Diet expert: Fast food should ideally never be consumed or very rarely
- GP said suggested that this food can be potentially dangerous 
- fast food can be nutritious
-  we know the damage that can caused by fast food

This program presented its different information through animation, narration, images,  short clips and through interviews.
Most of the information was visual which included graphs and animation.

In my opinion, I thought this perticular media example was a very good example to use as it presented its information well in a small amount of time. I managed to get 20 facts about qualitative research within 10 mins of watching this program and it was easily recorded as it was smoothly put across to the audiences.
I liked the way this programme included a vast variety of information and research and vividly contrasting between qaulitative and quantitative examples.  

Aim: to understand different character types in thriller

Protagonist : good guy (main)
Antagonist : bad guy

Protagonist - aren't aware of who is actually alighted with them

Character archetypes : false types
Bad guy (antag)
Handicapped - misery
- bone collector
- rear window
- memento
Piracesque hero - Aladdin (uses wit - of lower status to others)
Anti hero is the hero but isn't a good guy
Women in peril - elements of thriller
Unaware hero - protagonist what stumbles into a situation/plot e.g salt (mistaken ID)
Unreliable narrator - eg memento - do they know what theyre talking about - could be the point of an antag, criminal etc

Types of antagonist :
-donor helping antag
- false hero
- Natalie from memento
- mentally handicapped
- political - government conspiracy
- part of criminal underworld
- agencies
- companies - conglometers
- manipulator - usually criminals
- absent villain
- supernatural
- where the pro realises that they are the antag - trying to run from themselves : mentally handicapped)

Friday, 6 January 2012

Quantitative research

examples; exam results, data, stats, graphs, tallies etc.

- provide reliable infor in terms of accuracy
- reduces bias
- quick to use bias

- stats lack insight into the meanings, feelings and motivations of the individuals being studied
- in constant need of updating.

Qualittative research

Examples; diaries, one to one interviews, vax paps.

- easily accessible
- get close to peoples actual experiences, meanings and feelings
- gain massive insight into peoples loves and could obtain highly valid info.

- can question the authencity and credability for the response given
- sources of the subject to bias as the content may reflect the strong opinion of an individual

research techniques for the creative media industries unit 3

what the unit is about

- this unit will help understand creative purposes in media

- the purposes of research

- to provide evidence and support of chosen topic

credible - useful

accurate -  correct

authentic - real

can be trival and have a sense of humour but still be a matter of fact

interviews with 'experts'


graphs, percentages, data etc

dramatic irony

dramatic irony is where the viewer possesses more info than the character
e.g when someone is creepy round a house and the audience knows theres someone in there.

the audience may already know how the story will end

therefore all focus of attention is concern for the character involved.

Types of mystery

closed and open mystery

closed: - the 'whodunnit'
             - only question is who?
             - comminted crime
             - creates curiosity for the audience we want to know all the facts

open: - columbo, murder she wrote, scooby doo are types of open mystery
           - the audience know whats happened and we know the suspects

Key narrative conventions of a thriller

Narrative - how the story is told - its structure.

Key things in thrillers

- Protangonist : the character the audience follow (main character) usually the person who the audience is on their side.

- Antagonist : character against protangonist - usually the character the audience doesnt like.

- suspense

- 'theatre in mind' : getting in peoples minds - so the audience create questions

- make it personal (to the an or protangonist) : relatable - refer to own. Make characters have something personal to be lost/harmed e.g family.

- protangonist must be the mercy of the antagonist e.g james bond

- twists and turns

Differences between horror and thriller

Horror : To scare
              graphic violence/gore

Thriller : To make the audience think
               To keep the audience guessing
               - EDGE OF SEAT -
               Violence is impiled - generally see aftermath, not gore etc.

Types of thrillers

- crime: involves some type of heist, kidnapp, revenge, hostages, ransom. the following films are of this genre; Pulp Fiction, Se7en, Reservoir Dogs,

- phycological:  thriller with heavy focus on characters. However, it often incorporates elements from the mystery and drama genre, along with the typical traits of the thriller genre. In addition to drama and mystery. these films usually have a personal element so the audience can relate to the protagonists situation. films such as taxi driver, silence of lambs and fatal attraction come under this types of genre.

- action thrillers: are quite fast paste films that have a 'edge of seat' element. they usaully involves the protagonist being the hero (usually with a personal element eg family) and trying to defeat the antagonist. typically action movies involve a lot of fire, explosions, fast cars etc. a lot of fast fetched plots. films that fall under this genre are; Kill Bill, face off, con air, speed.

- supernatural: can be mistaken for horror but has more twists and turns and generally makes the audience think about whats going to possibly happen. Typically involves Ghosts, spiritail creatures, devils etc. Films such as the orphan, paranormal activity and the exorcist fall under this catergory.

- spy: usaully follows just one person as they try to fulfill a 'mission' thats been set (the audience knows whats going to basically happen) films such as james bond, mission impossible and the bourne.

- conpiracy: usually involving the government and relates very much to real life - draw the audience! typically involving mistaken identity, government, aliens, religions etc. films: the conpiracy theory, the fugitive, unknown.

- sci-fi: involves science matters such as new discorveries, the future or about aliens (can fall under conspiracy) sci-fi is films like; alien, the matrix and the terminator

- paranoid: can be mistaken for conpiracy. paraniod thriller are usually when one character (main) thinks something is going to happen and takes it on themselves to investigate it and save everyone when they think the person is mad (typically) films included: 2012, cloverfield...

- political: usually involving some kind of government conspiracy. trying to keep something away from the public and it gets out...films such as day after tomorrow and war of the worlds.



- 2012
- abduction
- se7en
- sleeping with the enemy
- joyride
- the shaw shank redemption
- the stand
- strangers
- memento
- Kill Bill?
- Inception
- along came a spider
- speed
- the bourne
- ticker taylor soldier
- james bond