Monday, 14 October 2013

CV - Matt work

Shannon Audra Griffiths
30 The Crossway
PO16 8PB            Tel: 07748741852 / 02392380883
DOB: 22/02/1995

Personal Profile
Reliable, friendly young person Good at working independently or as part of a team. I have a very strong work ethic, innovative, and a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems or coming up with ideas. I have good awareness of diversity, respecting other peoples ideas. Able to show leadership and organizational skills through managing a department in my current job role. Able to communicate with wide range of people of all ages and professions. High awareness of hygiene and health and safety issues. I am a person of nearly 2 years experience working with all kinds of customers of all ages and background – and helping them in the most professional way I can.

Work History
Tesco Fareham October 2011 – present
Multi skilled customer assistant

-        Dealing with customers
-        Organising a department
-        Working independently and as a team
-        Helping other departments in store e.g checkouts when needed

Freelance Photographer 2011 – present

-        Running website
-        Organising myself
-        Making people feel comfortable
-        Working with new people
-        Thinking constructively


Portchester Community School 2006 – 2011
GCSEs maths (C) science (A) English (B) art (C) citizenship (B) P.E (merit) I.T (merit) graphic design (B) media and film (B)

Fareham College 2011-2013:  level 3 diploma in Media, film and production


Socializing, meeting new people, drawing, cycling, cinema, reading, watching films, swimming, travelling.      (References available on request)

Consumer choice (another available on request)

Regulatory Issues-Consumer Choice

Consumer choice is where the public gets to choose what they want from a company. The company allows the customer to choose in order to gain more business and to show that they care and listen to what their consumer wants. 
For example ASDA, “chosen by you section”. Andy Clarke said “We’re empowering our customers in a  way that no UK retailer ever has. From today  ‘our’ own brand becomes ‘your’ own brand,”
 Referring to the fact that the public gets to vote for the products that they like and thinks it deserves to be on the list. For a product to be on the Chosen by you list, over 200,000 UK customers get to taste test the product and bench market it.  But this shows that ASDA cares and listen to their customers, to the point where their product became their customer’s product.
The good point about Chosen by you selection is that other ASDA buyers/ consumers will appeal to it and it shows that they have a say in what they want and think. Along the price is reasonable, so they can easily afford it.

They will also trust other buyer’s decision and think the product is worth buying as it will be “good”. Along the product self advertise, as the Chosen by you section makes consumers believe that all the products on the Chosen by you section has nothing to do with the company, the public controls it. While the company simply listen to what the public has to say and put the product on the list.  But truly we all know deep down it does not work like that and there is a large profit being made out of it.
The downside of Chosen by you, people said that they replace old product and higher up the price on the new and old remaining products. Making people struggle to buy it when they are limited to how much they can spend on their food shopping.
Overall the public are given the right to speak up for what they want and think, while a variety of products are being erased and replaced with higher price products.

-Help people with little money
-Public get a say in what they want

-Other companies may copy 
-Not all customers say get through
-Some products get replaced or stop producing without notice

In my opinion this brand 
Chosen by you is not very trustworthy, as each product it does not tell you how many people vote Yes for it. Along it does not tell you when the vote was done, so there are chances that the product vote is out of date. If it's out of date it will need renewing since people taste may change as the year goes on. Along what is the point in have Chosen by you section product if they plan on erasing products and replace them with new ones in a period of time. If a product is in the Chosen by you section, then surely they should keep the product instead of erasing it and replacing it with others. Since the public may dislike it and send in complaints, asking for the old product back or no longer buy as much product from ASDA any more. If ASDA ignore what their customer say even when they state that their customer opinion matter, the consequences will be that they would lose their customers to another shop. Such as to their worst enemy, Morrison.  

Censorship and Ownership (another version available on request)

Censorship and ownership

Censorship is put in place to protect the public from certain topics, influences, language and images. Censorship is used by the government, media outlets and other controlling body, this protects all people of all ages and backgrounds for various reasons for example you wouldn’t see neo Nazi doing speeches about killing certain people and it being fine for television because this wouldn’t be appropriate and may start influencing audiences. There is other censorship is used, such as when someone doesn’t want their face to be seen it can be blurred or covered completely – this can protect this person, as they may be under witness protection etc.

Ownership is there to make sure people have the rights to what they create and therefore rightly own. For example photographers copyrighting their photos. Ownership is also used for other things other than matters within the media sector it can also be used for people or companies that have invented/designed objects.

Ownership can be a means of profit for example when owning a record that you have the legal rights to you get all the money for it for when it gets played on radio etc and the profits it makes.
But sometimes the right ownership is not just used for the profit side of matters, people or companies may just be interested in the recognition they receive for their product.

Censorship and ownership also has a legal and ethical side.
Censorship is used to cover up illegal matter within media, especially television for example you cannot view child pornography on any kind of media it is totally illegal and unethical and that is a law and censorship set by the government – this is a world wide censorship. This is obviously put in place to protect everyone, audiences don’t want to see or know of people seeing or hearing of such matters.
Ownership side of legal and ethical matters is there too stop other companies and people stealing or using their product for their own gain, use or profit. Those matters that are listed above is totally unethical and stealing is illegal. Companies such as Apple and Samsung have got into Ownership legal issues where Apple accused Samsung of stealing the idea of their software for their phones – Apple won and Samsung had to pay.

Also Censorship and Ownership can be contractual – so that in itself can be a legal issue to be dealt with. For instance when you have signed a contract to not to use inappropriate language and you do so, you’ll have has breeched the contract and put the company in legal difficulty and upset audiences. Such as with the Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand incident on BBC radio.

Vast growing technology is making it things easier and difficult with certain matters. Such as where there is more and more technology more of it is the same – so companies can accuse each other of stealing or replicating ideas. But things are easier because there are more varieties to censor programmers and shows with new software and technology – it is easier to protect the public and audiences. As its easier to research backgrounds on people so you know what you’re expecting and also there is more equipment to use to censor – for example automatic ‘beeps’ when cursing is used.

Concentration of media ownership

Is a process whereby progressively fewer individuals or organizations control increasing shares of the mass media Contemporary research demonstrates increasing levels of consolidation, with many media industries already highly concentrated and dominated by a very small number of firms.
Globally, large media conglomerates include Viacom, CBS Corporation, Time Warner.
And Tesco – I own some of that.

I think censorship and ownership is a extremely vital and important part of creative media sectors as it makes sure everything is fair, and people do not steal things and are credited for their own work.
it makes sure everything is its correct place and fair.

I don't really see any negatives with censorship and ownership as it protects people, I guess when people steal things before they have ownership over it, because when a situation like that occurs their works has been stolen and will be extremely difficult practically impossible to reclaim.

Freedom of info (another version available on request)

Freedom of information

Freedom of information basically means freedom of speech means any one has the right to expression weather it may be in writing, photography, design and any art form. It refers to the protection of the right to freedom of expression with regard to the Internet and information technology. Freedom of information may also concern censorship in an information technology context, i.e. the ability to access Web content, without censorship or restrictions.
For example when people film documentaries and film people. Or making artwork it can be based upon someone.

Freedom of speech is seen as a fundamental human right (recognized in international law, the internet and through art forms) freedom of information also links to the freedom of privacy, so that means one has the freedom to speech\information but one has to take into consideration to the freedom of privacy and remember that also is a fundamental human right. Also again freedom to privacy is a right and the freedom of information is a extension of that.
For example when writing an article about someone in a newspaper or being a paparazzi, you cant stalk or harass people.

Freedom of information can include opposition to patents, copyrights or intellectual property in general  The international and United States Pirate Party have established political platforms based largely on freedom of information issues. This tells about the different kinds of freedom of information and the laws.

When taking freedom of information into consideration you need to consider the legal and ethical points of view. Such as when the News Of The World hacked the phones of celebrities and crime victims to get inside knowledge to make front page headlines – they had the freedom to express that, but it breeched the ethical and legal issues of the matter of privacy.

That also counts as regulations – this scandal also caused regulations within the media to be more precise and more carefully dealt with.

I think that it is good to know that people can find out in more detail about different people, cultures, stories and information on their own terms. I think its the good point is that people can do their own personal research on topic that matter to them and get more in depth detail about the topic.

I think what is not so good about the 'freedom of information act' is that too much data and information about topics and people can sometimes be inappropriate due to the fact the public can receive too much unnecessary information. In my opinion I think it can be classed as bullying when there is too much information about a person. I also think it can be dangerous when people can find out too much about people, for example where they live etc.

The BBC - Matt work

The BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation.

 The BBC was founded by John Reith and George Villiers. Reith was a Scottish broadcaster who replicated the tradition of independent public service broadcasting. As for Villiers, he was a British conservative politician. The pair made the BBC what it is today, with its fashion for serving a educational and informative service for Britain and around the world.

 The BBC is the first major broadcaster in the world. It is an impartial public broadcasting service – it’s impartial due to the fact that it has no ‘boss’ (unlike other broadcasters such as Sky and ITV) to influence the way they broadcast news or certain shows, that’s what makes the BBC different to other broadcasting companies – it is owned by the consumers and is funded by the government (foreign office) as it is used as a tool of information across the world.

 The BBC is an influence for radio as well as television. The BBC took over radio with having national radio based in London from during the war time, to taking over a number of regional stations and transforming them into BBC quality listening. Again the government used the BBC radio as a tool for information as the television side of things where put on hold for seven years from 1939 to 1946.

As well as the Television side to the BBC the radio side has and is continuously adapting to the times and audiences it’s growing with. The BBC introduced Radio 1 with introducing people to new pop music and changing the way we experience radio. In later years the BBC came up with new ideas for radio stations for a variety of diverse audiences such as BBC 4, Sport etc.

 The BBC has a vast and influential abundance of television history, for example during the world war two the BBC aired many of Winston Churchill’s iconic speeches, and they also aired the Queen’s coronation and many other royal events such as Diana’s Funeral in the 90’s.  In more recent events they hosted the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

 One of the most incredible facts about the BBC is that it has some of the most successful TV and radio shows of all time, space and history. For example the most obvious soap opera conducted by ‘the beeb’ is Eastenders, the longest running soap opera which was launched in the 80’s and is still going today.  BBC is also father to the longest running radio drama ever which is the archers – but soon its early and present listeners will be passed to the other side soon, so maybe there will not be audience for much longer?

Recently the BBC has been known for some of its most popular and successful employees to be paedophiles and obviously this is not on the positive side but this task is about the BBC and this is now sadly apart of the BBC. For Example the Jimmy Saville scandal, The BBC has been hit hard by the scandal and the media and press have been taking a toll on the corporation – a media frenzy occurred. The BBC shamefully did a cover up of the wrong doings and this obviously breeched the legal and ethical conditions. This caused for the chairman of the BBC to announce a police investigation. I have seen nor heard of any BBC staff apologising for the circumstances which I again think breeches the terms of legal and ethical constraints.

The BBC has its own regulatory code. This means that unlike other television or production companies such as ITV, if you wanted to complain about them you would go to Ofcom, however with the BBC you get in contact straight to them. Which in my opinion I feel like it is more approachable for the consumer and makes them feel worthy. I found this quote from the BBC regarding their regulatory code “Our Code of Practice sets out our principles as Trustees. We are committed to the highest standards of integrity, impartiality and objectivity.
We promise to be open, responsive and accountable to licence fee payers”

For example the incident with people not liking the baby cot death plot in popular soap opera Eastenders – the most vast quantity of complaints recorded ever by (at least) the BBC. The BBC themselves dealt with these complaints, apologised and then dealt with the situation with slightly changing the story line.

The BBC host a range of opportunities for job roles and experiences’ such as work experience, tours and most obviously job opportunities. The BBC appeal to their potential employees by using their website ( which launched in December 1997. People can browse and search for certain locations, jobs and roles within the BBC. The BBC are very helpful with the job and work experience side of things – for example they give you advice and tips on how to succeed within the BBC and television industry on their website.

From my own experience trying to get a job in the BBC, I went to the main television centre in London. When I was there I simply asked a receptionist if they had any opportunities for work experience and she helpfully gave me a list of email addresses and told me to research programmes I would like to work for and try and find the contact details of the producers etc.

There are plenty of job opportunities within the BBC media sector – such as camera work, lighting, editing, acting, researcher, designer, artist, photographer, health and safety, director, cleaner, architect and many more. So all kinds of people from all around the world have a chance to work for ‘the beeb’.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Wheatus "Teenage dirtbag baby" MUSIC VIDEO

This music is one of which is produced using movie snippets - this one from the first american pie movie.
The video is also featured in the film.

Basically the video is the band "wheatus" performing a concert in a school and clip snippets from american pie. The music video is related to the film and if you've seen the film you'll understand how it relates to it ("I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby")

This music video is fairly simple but works for the lyrics and that it is a big part of the film.

michael jacksons thriller MUSIC VIDEO

Michael Jacksons 'Thriller' music video is probably the most popular and well known music videos of all time and when it was released setting a new standard for music videos.

The music video itself is more of a mini movie sequence and tells a story more than portrays a song.
the video contains iconic dances used again and again in other music videos, films and TV commercials and is known all over the world.

The music video was a very expensive one and included the all time favourite thriller/horror star vincent price (the voiceover)

In my opinion this is the best music video ever, and really never has dated - even though this was filmed and created in the 80's and is still impressive to even modern day standard music videos.